Green Cell Battery C21N1347 for Asus A555 A555L F555 F555L F555LD K555 K555L K555LD R556 R556L R556LD R556LJ X555 X555L
Přihlaste se prosím, abychom vám mohli dát vědět, že přišla odpověď
Warranty: 12 months
Cells manufacturer: Green Cell
Voltage: 7.6V (7.4)V
Number of cells: 4
Cells technology: Li-Poly
Colour: Black
Overheat protection: Yes
Overdischarge protection: Yes
Product code: AS70
Manufacturer: Green Cell
Capacity: 4000 mAh
Cells manufacturer: Green Cell
Voltage: 7.6V (7.4)V
Number of cells: 4
Cells technology: Li-Poly
Colour: Black
Overheat protection: Yes
Overdischarge protection: Yes
Product code: AS70
Manufacturer: Green Cell
Capacity: 4000 mAh
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